What I ‘eat’ in a day while juice fasting – Vegan on juices
Wonder what a day during a juice fast looks like? So I got you covered here with my food diary on a juice fast day! 😉
Here I share my tips for a successful juice fast with you! These tips are from experience and are the things that helped me a lot. I have done 3 juice fasts by now. Hopefully, these tips will help you if you want to do a juice fast! 🙂
My recipe for a spicy ginger turmeric shot which helped my digestion already multiple times. So I hope it will help you also!
Want to see how we did and how much weight I lost during juicefasting? Here’s my juicefast vlog:
Here I show you how we did break our juice fast and what we ate on this first day. 🙂
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Quick disclaimer: My English might not be perfect because I’m using 3 languages every single day. Please correct me in the comments below if I make some mistakes regularly so I can learn and grow 🙂
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