
Why Do Plant-Based Diets Help Rheumatoid Arthritis?

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DESCRIPTION: Rheumatoid arthritis may be triggered by autoimmune friendly fire against a urinary tract infection bacteria called Proteus mirabilis, which could help explain why sufferers randomized to a plant-based diet experience such remarkable benefit.

I have to admit I had never even heard of Proteus mirabilis. That’s why I love doing work—I learn as much as you do!

I explored another unconventional theory as to why plant-based diets are so successful in treating inflammatory arthritis in Potassium and Autoimmune Disease (

There’s another foodborne bacteria implicated in human disease, the EXPEC in chicken leading to urinary tract infections—another game-changer: Avoiding Chicken To Avoid Bladder Infections (

This reminds me of the Neu5Gc story (The Inflammatory Meat Molecule Neu5Gc that mystery pig brain disease (Eating Outside Our Kingdom and the crazy tick bite meat allergies thing (Alpha Gal and the Lone Star Tick

Lots more videos coming up on the role our gut flora play in health and disease—stay tuned!

Have a question for Dr. Greger about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and he’ll try to answer it!

Image Credit: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory via Flickr.

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