
Plant-Based Weight Loss Meal Plan + Prep For Success

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There are many different ways to eat a plant-based or vegan diet, but this is the style that helped me to get into the best shape of my life early on. A high raw meal plan is perfect for cleansing and cleaning out your body to get your digestion moving along with plenty of fiber, while hydrating your cells and giving you a high volume of lower calorie super nutrient dense foods. This helps you to feel fuller, feel satiated, get nourished, and lose weight! Eat more for less!

NOTE: This is simply a meal plan formula or format. You can easily enjoy these three meals along with any snacks you might need in between OR make a bigger juice, bigger smoothie, and like I do, have seconds for dinner, with more cooked the second round. I recommend fresh fruit by itself, some veggies w/ hummus or guac, or small amounts of nuts and seeds throughout the day! I also enjoy some homemade baked goods as a snack, like my superfood brownies or strawberry banana muffins! The main takeaway here, is that you are going to hyper-nourish your cells with lots of living foods that will keep your cravings at bay!

EatMoveRest Your Best,
♥ Erin & Dusty

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