Low Effort Vegan Meal Ideas! (healthy + easy)
Hi! I am back with new lazy, low effort recipes! These 4 meals are tasty, simple, healthy and of course all vegan: Healthy Loaded Nachos, Breakfast Cookie Dough, Baked Tofu Avocado Noodles and a Delicious Tabbouleh Couscous Bowl. Hope you enjoy 🙂
Share your recreations with me on instagram! @mina_rome
50+ Recipe Ebook:
Email: minarome.yt@gmail.com
Website: www.mina-rome.com
✨Videos mentioned✨
Original Vegan Cookie Dough:
Pickled Onion Recipe:
#1 Tabbouleh Bowl
½ cup couscous (87g)
1 cup hot boiling water (250ml)
~75g parsley – I used two small “bunches“ one curly one flat (2.65oz)
2 tbsp olive oil
Juice of 1 lemon
2 tsp agave syrup
generous pinch of salt, more to taste if needed
Other spices of choice (cumin, paprika, pepper…)
½ small red onion
Also: raw veggies like cucumber, tomato, carrot, bell pepper
Smoked Tofu
nuts, seeds
Hummus sauce:
2 tbsp hummus
1 tbsp lemon juice
1-2 tbsp non dairy milk
* serves 2
#2 Healthier Loaded „Nachos“
2-3 tortilla wraps
½ red onion
a couple tomatoes
½ Block smoked or flavored tofu (100g) (or more)
½ can brown lentils (120g) (or more)
2 tbsp store bought hummus + 1 tbsp lemon juice + 1 tbsp nutritional yeast + 1-2 tbsp water
Also a few handfuls of fresh spinach
Extra nutritional yeast or vegan cheese
* serves 2
#3 Breakfast Cookie Dough
1 can white beans (240-250g) (8,5 oz – 8,8 oz)
3 tbsp oats, small cut
½ tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
2 tsp chia seeds or semi ground flax seeds
3 1/2 tbsp liquid sweetener (maple, rice, agave, date – syrup)
2 ½ tbsp melted vegan butter or melted coconut oil
Optional: a squeeze of lemon juice
Also toppings!
Berries, almond butter, chocolate granola, soy yogurt …
~ 2 servings
#4 Avocado Tofu Noodles
1 Block firm tofu (100g)
1 ½ tbsp cornstarch
⅔ tsp salt
other spices of choice – I added black pepper, chili and garlic powder and fries seasoning
2 tsp agave
1-2 tsp oil
1 servings of rice or bean noodles (one serving is around 50-75g dried)
1 big avocado
Juice of ½ lemon
Salt and spices to taste
black beans
Pickled onions or vegan kimchi
For two people the amount of noodles can easily be doubled, feel free to add more avocado then 🙂
intro by brockbeats:
Thomas Headon:
North Takoda:
Outro by Jeremy Sullivan:
Much love,
this video is not sponsored
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