Sponsored Post “Eggscellent” plant-based ingredient for vegan baked goods – vegconomist
Ever-increasing sales of plant-based, baked goods are a strong incentive for the creation of innovative new product launches in the category. Here, a new compound from Loryma ensures optimal dough stability and volume without the need for eggs or milk. Top-quality, great-tasting muffins and sponge cakes are just two of the numerous product concepts made possible with Loryma’s latest ingredient innovation, Lory® Stab.
While meat and dairy substitutes are now standard supermarket offerings, there is still a distinct lack of variety when it comes to vegan baked goods, despite increasing consumer demand. Here, compensating for the technological properties of hens’ eggs in dough can be a complex task, yet it’s one which can be easily addressed with a new stabilizing system in Loryma’s Lory® Stab range.
Vegan baked goods: popular yet challenging
Baked goods in general, and sponge cakes in particular, promise an array of sensorial delights, including a light mouthfeel, even pores, a firm, lightly browned crumb and delicious texture. Vegan products must also live up to such expectations. From a manufacturer’s point of view, the challenge is in perfectly replicating such product characteristics without the use of hens’ eggs and milk. The product development team at Loryma, the food expert within the Crespel & Deiters Group, therefore spent a long time creating its new Lory® stick solution.
Norbert Klein, Head of R&D, says: “We have recognised the clear need in the baked goods industry for convincing, vegan products that meet current consumer demand. We see ourselves as a partner to our customers and wanted our solution to not only impress with its functionality in a specific end product, but also be universally suitable for all kinds of sponge-based baked goods.”
Neutral compound provides texture for individual flavouring
The functional compound is vegan and free from colourings, flavourings and preservatives. “With the help of the concentrate, vegan baked goods can absolutely keep up with conventional products in terms of flavour and texture. Particularly impressive is the increase in volume and anticipated crust associated with baking,” Klein enthuses.
Processing of the wheat-based stabilizing component corresponds to the usual egg-based approach, but with a few minor adjustments. Raw materials such as flour, sugar, oil or water are added as usual, and flavour components such as aromas, chocolate chunks and fruit can also be mixed in. Lory® Stab is neutral in flavour, making it ideal for cake bases or lava cakes, and provides the typical airy texture, light crumb and even pore structure. The stabilizing components and functional raising agents create a loose and elastic crumb structure, which results in the characteristic mushroom-shaped bulge in muffins, for example.
Authentic and affordable
As with all vegan, plant-based alternative products, they must be authentic and affordable in order to win over consumers, and guarantee repeat purchases. The Lory® Stab egg substitute provides an airy texture that is in no way inferior to traditional doughs and creates the best conditions for individual flavouring.
Solutions for the bakery industry from Loryma
Loryma is a specialist in wheat proteins, modified wheat starches, native wheat starches and wheat-based functional blends. The new Lory® Stab product is just one of its many solutions for the baking industry. The comprehensive portfolio includes functional wheat starches, which ensure optimum consistency. Due to their high functionality, they are used in bakery products as thickening and stabilizing agents. Furthermore, hydrolysed and extruded proteins can be used as a dough optimizer and/or additional source of protein, meeting the demands of health-conscious consumers for products that are high in protein.
Find out more at: https://crespeldeitersgroup.com/solutions-for-the-baked-goods-industry-fie-23/
R & D Contact:
Norbert Klein
Head of Research & Development Loryma
[email protected]