
How can we achieve peace?

#vegan #animalrights #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #science #peace

Why isn’t there more protesters who protest for one of the biggest examples of oppression?

🙏🏼 Please Support Me 🌱

Please consider supporting my mission to bring this education to top universities by making a donation to my 501c3 registered non-profit, Allied Scholars.

Every donation helps, especially recurring donations!
Would you buy me a coffee/week to support one our students? 🙂

📧 Contact me if:

➡️ I can help you in any way to go vegan!
➡️ You are a student and want to start animal advocacy in your university:

Until every cage is empty, and every animal is liberated.








🆘Need help to go vegan?


😻Favorite Videos

My favorite inspiring video:

The Most Important Speech You Will Ever Hear:

To fully realize why you need to relearn everything you know about food, watch Dominion:

Athlete? Concerned about protein intake or ED?

Watch Cowspiracy!

Most up-to-date medical science on benefits of plant-based diet:

Help vegans get active or donate your skills:


🏥 *Medical Institutes Endorsing Plant-Based Diet*

Mayo Clinic

Kaiser Permanente

The Dietitians Association of Australia

British Dietetic Association

Australia Government, National Health & Medical Research Council

British Nutrition Foundation

Nutritional Update for Physicians: Plant-Based Diets

Plant-Based Diets Are Not Nutritionally Deficient

The British National Health Service

Dietitians of Canada


Why veganism is a moral urgency?

My favorite inspiring video:

The Most Important Speech You Will Ever Hear:

To fully realize why you need to relearn everything you know about food, watch Dominion:

Athlete? Concerned about protein intake or ED?

Want to learn about the environmental impact of your food?
Watch Cowspiracy!

Most up-to-date medical science on benefits of plant-based diet:


0:00 Intro

🙏🏼Support Me!
Please consider supporting my mission by making a donation to my 501c 3 registered non-profit, Allied Scholars.

Every donation helps, especially recurring donations!

🤫PS: Please subscribe to my channel!

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